Persephone's Sister

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If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your path.

— Joseph Campbell

Even in childhood, I held a devotion to the divine. I was fascinated with the reality of magic, the creative power of imagination, and the exquisite wilderness of the human heart. And at 12 years old, when my grandfather gifted me his home-taped copy of Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth series, the little mystic that lives in us all awoke vibrantly within me.

As I grew and discovered my musical talents, eventually earning a bachelor of music degree and initiating a career as a musical theater performer, the little mystic in me became more and more muted. Over time that voice of wonder, the love for magic, became abandoned with my child self. And then one summer, while rummaging through my grandfather’s attic library, I found a tiny book called The Undiscovered Self by Carl Jung, and that mystical passion flashed alive in me once more.

With this education and renewed connection to the inner mystic guiding me, I launched Persephone’s Sister, a platform for both spiritual learning and personal guidance. In my tarot counseling practice, I use the cards as psycho-spiritual mirrors, illuminating the depths of my clients’ psyches. In my teaching work, I open my students to the powerful and transformational knowledge of hermeticism, mysticism, mythology, and depth psychology.

Even if my story sounds nothing like your own, I have a feeling that you also know the voice of that inner mystic, and maybe even felt that distant call to rediscover it. And whether we met through a YouTube video, a seminar, a reading, an Instagram post, or a tarot course, I hope we connected through the heart of this little mystic, the voice of the living soul.
